Scanlan Kemper Bard Companies (SKB) contracted Outside Landscape Architects (LA) for their Greenwood Plaza redesign project in Greenwood Village, Colorado. One of the options included the need for an eye-catching and modern canopy as the centerpiece for the community to enjoy the outdoor spaces.
Outside LA reached out to the Tension Structure Division of Eide Industries, Inc. for professional guidance with design and functionality. To save money on structural engineering, city permits and fabrication costs, Eide was able to consolidate the original two-canopy design into a one-frame system, while keeping the two-canopy appearance. The new free-standing structure increased the durability of the tensioned canopy, and exceeded local wind-load and snow-load requirements.
Project Name: Greenwood Plaza
Project Location: Greenwood Village, CO
Year Completed: 2016
Membrane Type: Flame-retardant, White Serge Ferrari 1002 T2 PVC Coated Polyester Fabric
Wind Loads: Engineered for 121 MPH Wind Loads, Exposure “C”
Snow Loads: Engineered for 22 PSF Snow Loads
Total Project Size: 16’1″H x 23’1″P x 30’5″W